Monday, October 6, 2008

evening slash out

y is it that when a day going smoothly turns out to b a turmoil for us and that too for no intentional reasons...reasons...hmm are they always intentional? i guess not...even a simple miscommunication is more than enough to heat up the environment...cant believe it happened to me too...well of course it can happen to me...i mean am not any exceptional human being or am i?? in a way i am, in a way i am not. well lets not go into that. alright back to the core topic... miscommunication...hmm to be honest there is always a catch to it when ur involved in a miscom...a person perceives ur action in a literally wrong manner, he gets pissed with u n then after half hour makes up with u! i mean hellloooooooo in whole of this "sweet saga" what about ur emotions??? its quite certain u wont feel comfortable with flowing with the tide like ok at some moment ur shouting & in another ur making up. this is where people fail to understand the whole situation. why do they expect us to be ok with it and forget everything that happened, a big "Y"??


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